Vedic Maths – Riemann Sphere

Vedic Maths was discovered by Shri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji during his extensive research on the Vedas. An avid reader and researcher by nature he went into deep meditations and studied the four Vedas extensively only to discover the sixteen sutras lying hidden in the verses of the Atharva Veda. Tirthaji spent long years in the forest of Sringeri from 1911 to 1981 and studied the literature mostly written in old lexicons including Visva, Amara, Arnava, Sabdakalpadruma etc.

Vedic Maths consists of 16 Sutras or Word Formulae and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for solving mathematical problems in a far simpler manner. It offers techniques and shortcuts to master numerical calculations in split seconds. Using these techniques, it is possible to calculate 10-15 times faster than usual methods. The difficult problems or huge sums can be solved almost immediately by the Vedic method.

Application of Vedic Maths

Vedic Mathematics can definitely solve mathematical numerical calculations in a faster way. Some Vedic Math Scholars mentioned that Using Vedic Maths tricks you can do calculations 10-15 times faster than our usual methods. I agree to this to some extent because some methods in Vedic Mathematics are really very fast. But some of these methods are dependent on the specific numbers which are to be calculated. They are called specific methods.

Division using vedic maths

Direct Flag Division:

Direct Division (Flag Method) is a general method of Division in Vedic Mathematics that shows shortcuts to divide any type of numbers. It is a  shortcut method for division of large numbers.

Single Digit Flag

 Flag Method of Vedic Mathematics to divide any numbers

1234/12 –� Dividend = 1234 and Divisor = 12. Split divisor (12) in 2 parts (1 and 2) where division will be carried using ONLY 1(new divisor) and 2 is called a flag. As the flag is single digit, Split dividend in 2 parts such that the 2nd part will have the same number as that of the flag i.e. 1 digit.

Process (see the example for each step):

  1. Division of 1 by 1 (Q=1 and R= 0). Write Q=1 and carry forward the R=0(written in white under and between 1&2).
  2. Multiply the new Q(1) with the flag(2) and subtract this product from 02 = 0 and divide this subtraction by 1. It gives Q= 0 and R= 0(Carry forward R=0). (i.e. Multiply, Subtract, Divide)
  3. Follow the same process, So multiply new Q(0) with flag(2) and subtract this product from 03 = 3 and divide this subtraction by 1. It gives Q= 3 and R= 0(Carry forward R=0).
  4. For the remainder we use the same process EXCEPT we don’t divide. (i.e. Multiply, Subtract) So multiply new Q(3) with flag(2) and subtract this product from 04 = -2. As we get negative subtraction, we reduce the quotient by 1 and increase the remainder by the 1st multiplier of the new multiplier (1X1 =1). So new Q = 2 and new R =1. (Refer Topic Work with Quotient and Remainder). We carry this method till we don’t have negative subtraction.
  5. Now Multiply the new Q(2) with the flag(2) and subtract this product from 14 = 10(positive) and put it down as it is.
  6. So final answer: Quotient = 102 and Remainder = 10 (Remainder should always < Divisor|

Multiplication using Vedic Maths

Vinculum Process of Multiplication: 

Vinculum is a special method of Vedic Maths Multiplication which is used with Urdhva Tiryak whenever we have bigger digits like 6,7,8 and 9.

Vinculum is a process applied when numbers have bigger digits like 6,7,8,9. Carrying out operations like multiplication with bigger digits is time consuming and little tougher as compared to smaller digits. Hence such digits 6,7,8 and 9 are converted to smaller digits like 4,3,2 and 1 using the Vinculum Process.

Calculating Squares in Vedic Mathematics

How much time will you take to calculate the square of 1221.

Using DvandaYoga of Vedic Mathematics, it is just 2 step answer

Trick to square a number in Vedic Mathematics

Calculating square roots using Vedic Maths

Facts and tricks for Square Roots Math tricks :

  • Squares of numbers from 1 to 9 are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100.
  • Square of a number cannot end with 2, 3, 7, and 8. OR numbers ending with 2 , 3, 7 and 8 cannot have perfect square roots.
  • Square Root of a number ending with 1 (1, 81) ends with either 1 or 9 (10’s complement of each other).
  • Square Root of a number ending with 4 (4, 64) ends with either 2 or 8 (10’s complement of each other).
  • Square Root of a number ending with 9 (9, 49) ends with either 3 or 7 (10’s complement of each other).
  • Square Root of a number ending with 6 (16, 36) ends with either 4 or 6 (10’s complement of each other).
  • If the number is of ‘n’ digits then the square root will be ‘n/2’ OR ‘(n+1)/2’ digits.

Square roots of perfect squares

Square roots of imperfect squares


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